Sunday, January 14, 2018

21-Day Fast - Day 7 - Weary

I am tired. Very very tired, so don't have much to say today.

I had a long talk with you last night, Father. About the dearth of genuine kindness in my life.  My seeming inability to display it naturally.  When I do, it seems forced, fake.  What comes naturally is irritation and being perturbed by people and situations. 

What I know is that only by the Holy Spirit are we able to display the fruit of the Spirit - goodness, gentleness, Godliness, love, self-control, kindness.

So, I clearly need much much more of the Holy Spirit.

Your word says how much more of the Holy Spirit will you give to those who ask.

I'm asking.


I need so much more of Him in my life so I can effectively, authentically be kind, be gentle, be good, be self-controlled, be loving.

Give, Father. Shaken down and pressed together. 


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