Saturday, January 13, 2018

21-Day Fast - Day 6 - Jonathan's input

Jonathan at the Jardin Du Luxumberg in Paris France, April 2017

I neglected to include Jonathan's prayer requests during this 21-Day fast with our church.  He's fasting his Kindle, which is a HUGE sacrifice on his part, but I believe will be richly rewarded by our Father.  

So, here we go - what Jonathan hopes the Lord will bring to pass as a result of his fast:

  1. This is not a request, but more a statement of gratitude:  Thanks for Mr. Norman and all that he did for us when things weren't right.
  2. Bless us with a new house.
  3. Bless mommy with a new job.
That's it :-).

I have some stuff to say about Mr. Norman, who has been heavy on my heart today.  I'll post about it later.

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