Wednesday, January 17, 2018

21-Day Fast - Day 10 - Say it...Do it...Receive it...Tell it!

I've been reading my Kenneth E. Hagin pamphlets again.  I came upon them back at the end of 2016.  I would carry one with me to my cocktail time at the Heldrich Hotel. They blessed me and were great reading along with my vodka gimlets and hot wings or fries  By February of 2017, I was done with the Heldrich and discovered I could make my own cocktails at home.  I suppose that wasn't a good thing.  I spent almost every evening from February 2017 to the start of this fast inebriated in some fashion, either via a couple of cocktails or a few glasses of wine. Praise God again for using this fast to deliver me from that bondage.

I knew that Pastor Hagin wrote a few pamphlets related to walking in love.  It turns out it was his son that wrote them - Kenneth W. Hagin.  One is called Faith Worketh by Love. It was eye-opening, considering my current revelation of how much I do not walk in love. 

The pamphlet points out that if you are believing for something and have great faith that it will come to pass, it really doesn't measure up to much if you're not walking in love - preferring others, being kind and considerate - living out 1 Corinthians 13.

One particular scripture from that chapter resonates with me:  "Love does not seek after its own".  I see now that a lot of my discontent is related to me seeking after my own peace of mind, my own comfort, my own happiness.  I haven't achieved any of those things, however. Just more bitterness, resentment, impatience, anger and discouragement.

Father, you are working on my heart. I believe it's changing.  And I'm moving forward with the belief that I AM CHANGED! 

Another teaching by Kenneth E. Hagin is You Can Have What You Say.  He outlines four steps to follow that will utterly change your life if you practice them:

  1. Say it (as if it has already happened)
  2. Do it (as if you already have it)
  3. Receive it (with thanksgiving and praise)
  4. Tell it (pronounce your testimony with gladness)
What spoke to me about these steps is that it's not limited to material things, but also, and more importantly, spiritual things.  

For example, I can literally say "I walk in Love" and then just start walking in love!

I can say "I walk in the fruit of the spirit" and allow kindness to flow through me.

I can say "The spirit of complaint is not part of me" and mediate on what is possible and good.

And on and on, such as...

I can say "Whatever is lovely, praiseworthy, honorable and of good report - I think on and say these things."

I can say "I do not frustrate Jonathan, but raise him up in the way that he should go."

I can say "I am as one who brings him (my spouse) comfort." and "My husband loves me as Christ loves the church and lives with me in understanding" and "I am a suitable help meet for a Godly, Christ-centered man who God says should not be alone."

And yes, material things as well, such as...

"We live in a spacious house, on a large lot, near springs and brooks, and a downtown that's walkable, with children Jonathan can play with, and where we can bless others through retreats, pot lucks, Bible Studies, playtime."

"Our family is prosperous - in health and wealth - and we have more than enough to live on, give away and save."

The Sky is the Limit!

I'm endeavoring to believe this way.  I know that when I have in the past, the Lord has worked miracle after miracle for me.  

I thank you, Father, that you are opening my heart and mind to truths that will take me to the next stage of my life - a stage that has been prepared for me and Jonathan for such a time as this.  As the blessings unfold, You will receive all the honor and praise due to You, for You are WORTHY TO BE PRAISED AND HIGHLY LIFTED UP!

Father, my declarations of belief extend to my family and friends, so that no one is lacking and their needs are being met by Christ Jesus our Lord. So that Jonathan finds favor with You and man, and walks out your specific purpose for his life, so that those in ministry like Miracle and Tena fulfill the fullness of your call on their lives, so that those who are sick are made well, by the stripes of Jesus.

This is the year of great and unexpected, suddenly blessings!  Keep me ever expectant that You will work wonders in our lives!

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