Friday, February 1, 2013

P B Part II

See original post here:

This will be a quick one.  Read the original blog entry. I shutter to think that I even REMOTELY considered P B as a possible life-mate candidate - as the answer to my targeted prayer.  NOT.  He never called which I was immensely grateful about and the Lord helped me to see the light.

Needless to say, I've got a LOT of growing up to do -- and most assuredly, a LOT of growing up IN the LORD.  My prayer is to be a woman who is truly pursing the Lord with all my heart and soul and laying myself bare so that He can scrub all the gunk out and off of me.  I want to be presented to my husband as one who will indeed bring him contentment.  My head is so screwy sometimes, my mouth so unclean, my heart so self-centered, my thoughts so scattered - there's no room for a husband.  There's barely room for the love of my life here on earth - Jonathan!  Lord - do me better.  Do me better.

I long to be married. I want to build a home with a good Godly man.  I long for the vision to be fulfilled that I would marry while still under my parents roof and that we would start our lives together here - that we'll be blessed with another child to add to our families.  I believe that this will come to pass.  However, I know that the Lord has to better me so I can be that better woman for the better man that I long to build this life with.

Lord - do your thing.  I'm ready...

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