Thursday, March 27, 2014

Mishandling Stress

So, Mary Southerland, the Girlfriend in God devotion writer who always writes the most convicting devotions, that I usually don't want to read, had a decent one today about dealing with stress.  She tends to go back to Psalm 23 a lot.  I see why. I actually managed to memorize it a few weeks ago, but of course the enemy did a good job snatching it from my memory bank, so I need to do so again.  Mary suggests reading the Psalm at least once a day for a week and really mediate on it.  She also suggested that I fill in the blank lines below.  So, I shall:

Psalm 23 - Beside each phrase below, write you own

thoughts about how God is at work in your life:

He makes me to lie down in green pastures: __ He's calling me to stop worrying about a job, Jonathan, my parents, pretty much everything and just trust Him to work it all out according to His will, timing and purpose, and to His glory____.

He leads me beside the still waters:__He keeps asking me to be still with Him and to lay down the artificial solaces in food, HGTV, and constant reasoning________.

He restores my soul: ___He wants me to get more sleep!_______________.

Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me:  __To stop being afraid and to simply believe and maintain hope in Him, His provision, His protection.______.

He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake:  __He wants me to remember that it is not I who live but Christ who lives in me and the life that I now live I live by Faith in Christ who loves me and gave His life for me -- that I AM the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus my Lord.___________.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:  __He will fulfill His promises to me! ___.

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