Monday, March 31, 2014

A bold request

Mary Southerland - "Miss Hard word for the day"- Girlfriend of God had a great devotion today.  She spoke about really believing that the Lord wants to bless us - wants us to ask Him boldly for what we need - and that we need to expect Him to answer.  But not based on what we do or how we act, but upon His grace alone...His goodness alone.  I had another devotion today that spoke about a similar truth -- that it's a matter of asking, seeking, knocking and believing that He will respond.  We simply must trust and wait.

So, Mary asked that we write out a prayer of committment thanking God for His blessings in our lives and the blessings that He has in store for us.

Here it goes:

Lord God!  Father!  Daddy!  Thank you.  Simply Thank you.  You are so good to me and by no means do I deserve it.  I'm full of self-pity, self-absorption, self-condemnation, every foul thing that the enemy puts in my path to trip over, I dutifully do so, with not much feeling of sorrow for how it really defames the greatness of You in my life and the lives of those close to me.  Thank you Lord that despite myself, You still manage to love me and care for me in such a great and perfect manner. I don't always understand Your ways.  I feel quite a bit like the Prodigal Son's brother much of the time, but each day You give me a glimpse of HOW MUCH You do love me and want the very best for me.  So, Lord:  Thank YOU!

Whatever You have for me I receive in gratitude. I've been in an utter fog of confusion.  I have no idea what I'm supposed to do from one day to the next.  I've had no real motivation to truly spend time with You so that maybe You can talk to me.


Right now, I'm sensing that the enemy has been keeping me in bondage about this whole notion of QUIET TIME.  Yes, it would be better for me not to waste valuable time watching HGTV to the wee hours of the morning, not getting enough sleep, drinking too much wine and eating too many sweets.
However, none of that NEGATES the TRUTH that You will NEVER. EVER LEAVE ME OR FORSAKE ME...that You are WITH ME ALWAYS...that the Holy Spirit LIVES IN ME...and that I AM FILLED TO THE OVERFLOW with the Spirit.  You speak to me all the time in a myriad of ways. I'm talking to You all the time. We have a very intimate, abiding relationship.  That I see very clearly now.  Thank You Lord for your presence in my life and for leading and directing me and protecting me and Jonathan.  Lord, I bind the attack of the enemy upon my soul to keep me tied to the lie that unless I spend 30 minutes of quiet time with you and 30 minutes a day reading the Bible, you won't speak to me or direct me or bless me.  You do all these things regardless of the time I spend with you in QUIET. You supercede quiet. You are God Almighty. You do all things well. There are no limiations to your ability to guide me and lead me.  Thank you, Lord, for this truth.

I'm so grateful for our continual conversation. I'm so grateful that You allow me to be gritty raw with You and that You don't shame me. I tend to shame and condemn myself, but I refuse to do that anymore.  In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I loose upon my heart, mind and spirit utter FREEDOM in Christ Jesus my Lord.  For the word is true, whom the Lord sets free, is free indeed!

Praise you God!!!

Oh, yeah, I'm still expecting a great job, perfectly suited to me, with a great schedule, with a just right salary, amazing benefits, an EASY commute, where You are utilizing me to the fullest to bless the work, my colleagues, customers and yeah, myself - where you are GLORIFIED.  I'm believing that You are ABLE to bless me with this job for a start date of May 5, 2014 ==> 5+5+2+1+4 = 17 =>1+7=8

8 = New Beginnings. How fitting!

Thank you, God!

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