Sunday, January 26, 2014

God's Provision - JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY

Listening to a wonderful teaching by Joseph Prince about God's Provision. He's using the Feeding of the 5000 as his text and it is eye-opening (John 6).  I just love how the Lord has taught him to break open the word and reveal deeper truths.  Truly marvelous and life-changing.  Some great points:

  1. Why do you think the Holy Spirit shined a focus on Andrew and Phillips's lack of faith? When the miracle happened it shows that God gives His blessings to those who are undeserving. 
  2. God will supply all of my needs not according to the poverty of my faith but according to the riches of His grace.
  3. Look at Jesus - don't look at my limited funds or the greatness of my need.
  4. See Jesus in His glory, grace, His love and power and He will see my faith!  Look to JESUS FOR EVERYTHING!  JESUS ALONE HEALS, JESUS ALONE PROVIDES!  JESUS ALONE!
  5. Andrew & Phillip are pictures of me.
  6. When I am sick and I look at JESUS ALONE - something happens at the root of that illness - that disease's very root.  Children of Israel found healing by looking at the bronze snake - which is a picture of Jesus on the Cross.  
  7. There is LIFE IN ONE LOOK. Look to JESUS!  Ignore the devil saying that something is happening - either for me or in me.
  8. Jesus does not condemn Phillip or Andrew.  He supplies according to the riches of His grace.
  9. You don't have to be smart to follow Jesus.  Only God can give wisdom. Wisdom does not depend on IQ.
  10. If I want Jesus to provide me with His supply - whatever it is:
    1. SIT DOWN (Jesus told the disciples to make the people sit down - and they sat down in orderly fashion).  Rest in Him. Trust in Him.  Spend time with Him.  Isaiah 30:15 "In returning and rest you shall be saved, in quietness and confidence shall be your strength". It takes time to rest.  Whatever time I give to the Lord is NEVER wasted time.  He will multiply it back to me.  1 Peter 3 - a woman with quiet spirit, in God's eyes, is very precious.  Put down that spirit of haste that is in me - that controls me.  Psalm 91 - with long life God satisfies.  On the cross, God took what the enemy doesn't want us to have (long life, marriage, children) so that we can have it.  Verse 1 - He who dwells (SITS DOWN) in the secret place of the most high shall abide in the shadow of the almighty. Hard to protect a child when it is running around. God will tell me to do the natural - and He will do the supernatural.  God supplies all the time.  For example, electricity is running in the house but lights won't turn on if you don't plug them in or turn on the switch.  PLUG INTO HIS POWER!  He made them sit in groups of 100's and 50's.  When Israel came out of Egypt they came out in groups of 50.  50 is a picture of 5 - an order of grace.  God re-positions us - we are high, sitting in the heavenly places with Christ Jesus - who is at the right hand of God.  5 loaves (grace again).  Men 5000 (grace again).  
    2. THANK GOD FOR THE LITTLE (Jesus gave thanks for the 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread).  This pleases God most of all.  God never despises that which is small.  He uses them for His glory.  Cannot look to the Lord without the favor of God coming on me.  Broke bread (broke one time in the Greek) and gave (a continuous action of giving) to disciples to give out.  One act of Jesus body broken on the cross - the blessings from that one act NEVER stops!  And He gives as much as we want it (they gave to the people as much as they wanted).  God does not give with a stingy hand.  Fathomless grace and goodness of the Lord.  The supply is always greater than the need.  Don't limit God.  The 5000 ate till they were filled and still there was 12 baskets full left over.  Whatever I divide for his Glory is multiplied back to me.  Whatever I subtract from my life for His sake is added back to me.  His math is addition by subtraction and multiplication by division.  Why the 12 baskets?  It's a beautiful picture of the 12 tribes of Israel - after we are blessed (Gentiles) - the overflow will bless the Jews.  Like Ruth - the Gentile church - after she ate at Boaz's table (Boaz is a picture of Jesus), she took the leftovers to Naomi (the picture of Israel).  
And another teaching based on Luke Chapter 5 - From Need to Fullness
  • This story is in all three synoptic gospels
  • Priests typically were concerned with fault-finding.  However, once Jesus came on the scene, there was an influx of people reporting healings - the removal of faults.
  • As Jesus was teaching, His power kept flowing and pressing upon the people to heal them, which includes everyone in the room, including the religious pharisees.  
  • Jesus wants to be in the center of my life - when that happens, than the circumference is blessed.  Everything comes to its fullness - its fruition.
  • Son of God became the Son of Man so that all the son's of men could become the Son of God.
  • Jesus will always cause me to be the head and not the tail - cause me to dominate and not be dominated by circumstances.
  • Unlike the OT, the NT demonstrates God in our midst - to dwell in us and among us.  Religious people don't like this.  Pharisees wanted God to stay in heaven cause if He is down here, what do they do - they were concerned about their position. They want to keep God and people separate, making their ministry necessary. 
  • I am transformed by God and His spirit - that is true change.  I must behold the glory of God - that is Jesus - full of grace & truth.  FAITH IS BRINGING MY EMPTINESS TO HIS FULLNESS! 
  • He came to be used (remember the woman at the well, who came to him in great thirst and the woman with the issue of blood).  Jesus is refreshed by my need - HE IS REFRESHED BY MY NEED!  HE IS REFRESHED BY MY NEED!  HE IS REFRESHED BY MY NEED!!
  • Bartimeus discerned Jesus' fullness even when the Disciples did not.
  • Call Jesus is fine enough - that is intimate.
  • In old testament prophecy directs the believer.  In the NT, prophecy confirms what the Spirit has already spoken to the believer.
  • Whenever I put my trust in his grace, I will dwell in the valley of blessings.  I might see hard times like Jehoshaphat, but I won't have to fight the battle - GOD WILL!  Just praise Him for His grace that endures always!
  • God is waiting for me to bring my emptiness to Him.
  • The days of do, do, do, do are over.  IT IS FINISHED!
  • How do I say thank you to the Lord?  TAKE MORE FROM HIS FULLNESS!

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