Put God First
Hi everyone! Pastor Randy here!
I remember sitting in a small group gathering and being struck when one of the group members was describing the transformation that had been taking place in his life. As he was describing some of the ways his life had changed he made a profound statement. " When I began to put God first everything began to change. As I listened I thought , that's it.... something so simple yet so profound.
Truth is that as you sit here and read this devotional 99% reading this would say they want to experience more of God. I would join you and saying an emphatic "YES!!!" I want more of God in my life. Profound? Yes! -- But simple?----Really?
I love it when profound things are simplified for me. Jesus was really good at taking something that is elusive or complicated and making it simple enough for someone like me to get my hear around. Good for me, and you too that Jesus gave us that type of moment on the topic of putting God first.
Read & Feed: Read Matthew 6:19-33.
Journal: All the dominoes of life are rearranged when we decide that God get's first place. Putting God first in life is a quality decision that affects every quadrant of our waking hours. I am not talking about a "To Do List" (a new list of do's). The life Christ offers us is relationally driven. Scripture tells us to "delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Putting God first is about making my relationship with him the priority of my life...when I do that, everything changes. Take some time to journal a prayer to your heavenly Father expressing your desire to place Him first in every area of your life.
Prayer: As you journal your prayer today ask God to show you one area where you need to put him first. Be sure to stop while you are praying and listen for God's voice. Remember Prayer is a two way street!
Lord God, I'm a little weary right now. Not sure what to pray. I suppose that's a good place to be. I bemoaned to Lolita that my heart's cry is simply, "Move, Lord, move - please move!" in all our circumstances, upon all our needs and desires, in and through our lives -- MOVE! That's my soul cry. And my other is indeed more intimacy with Him. Just that oneness that surpasses all other affections and attractions. Knowing that, indeed, as I seek Him and His righteousness (right living) He'll continue to be busy about taking care of me and all that concerns me. He even enables me to do the seeking of Him and enables the right living that I know is necessary for a life of peace and one that is not ineffectual.
So, Lord, I do come to You asking You "What area in my life do I need to put You first?" I'm endeavoring to give you my early mornings and that extra sleep and the late nights - but is there something else? Speak this to me, your servant, if You are indeed pleased with me. I believe that You are, as You see me through Your son, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. So, speak to me, tell me -- what area in my life do I need to put You first?"
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