Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Liquid Fast - Week 2, Day 3

Today is our second Wednesday fasting together to prepare for Easter!

I hope you're hungry for God's Presence because you'll need to draw on Jesus' power to make it through today.

Over 1,000 people are doing a Liquid Fast from sun up to sundown today!
Together we will:

- Avoid solid food
- Drink only water or natural juices (fruit or vegetable)
- No coffee, soda, or alcohol
- Come together at 7:30pm tonight for Prayer & Worship!

// READ & FEED: This morning, read Acts 10:9-48. During a fast, it's not unusual for the Holy Spirit to surface a deeper heart issue than the situation you're fasting about. This is what happens to the apostle Peter in the book of Acts.

// JOURNAL: Peter is up on a rooftop praying & fasting. It's lunchtime and he's hungry... and he literally starts dreaming about food! (You may feel the same way around noon ;-)

At that time, Jews didn't eat "unclean" foods or associate with "unclean" Gentiles. But by the time his lunchtime prayer & fast is over, he realizes God was actually talking to him about the racism in his heart.

Peter had this eye-opening revelation: "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right" (Acts 10:34).

God spoke to Peter through his midday "food dream" telling him not to look down at Gentiles as inferior people... but as brothers in Christ! Imagine that: Peter was a legalistic, judgmental bigot... until he fasted & prayed. And the Holy Spirit changed his heart.

Like Peter, you may be fasting & praying for one thing... but God may reveal a deeper issue at the heart level. In your journal, write about any heart issues you sense God is surfacing in you (ie: fear of man, jealousy, lust, discontent, unforgiveness, pride, etc)
Fear of man, jealousy and envy, covet-nous, procrastination, insecurity, self-focus, selfishness and the mother of them all - PRIDE. Lord save me from myself -- give me deep revelation about the root of all these issues - enable me to lay them bare before You so that you can transform me from the inside out - scrapping out these things and replacing them with what is lovely and of good-report. Enable be to walk by the spirit so that I do NOT fulfill the lust of the flesh. Enable me to be Holy as You are Holy. I rejoice in You for even my weaknesses and my infirmities, because your strength is made perfect in my weakness and when I am weak, I am strong - in YOU! Praise YOU Lord God in the highest!

What is God's Spirit saying to you? Is this fast about your situation-- or your spirit?
Remember: God's not interested in your diet-- but the heart behind it!

// PRAY: Write out a prayer this morning asking God to help you hear what He's saying to you.
Ask Jesus to give you "ears to hear" what He is revealing in your life. Invite him to speak about the deeper things of your spirit. Give Him full freedom to "speak into" your fast today... and respond to what He tells you!

Whenever you experience headaches or hunger pains today, let it remind you to pray for fresh revelation from the Holy Spirit!

Revelation, revelation, revelation! Lord give me ears so I can hear. Open my heart so I can comprehend what You need to tell me today. Lord I live for you and desire to please You. Help me in this. In Jesus' name, I pray, amen.

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