Saturday, March 31, 2012

Flesh of my flesh...

18 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for[corresponding to] him.” 19 Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed[and out of the groud the LORD GOD formed] every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name. 20 The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam[the man] there was not found a helper fit for him. 21 So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. 22 And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made[built] into a woman and brought her to the man. 23 Then the man said,

“This at last is bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called Woman,
because she was taken out of Man.”[The Hebrew words for woman (ishshah) and man (ish) sound alike]

24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

Lord, your will be done in our lives - myself, Lolita, April, Anita, Sandy, VerRonda, Dana, Mia, Katie, Joanne, and Terri - as it relates to our desire for marriage. Your word declares that it was not good for man to be alone. You remedied that situation in the very beginning of creation by building a woman for the man and bringing her to him. And then you mandated that a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. So, I thank you for building each of us, and for bringing each of us to the men who will obediently leave their father and mother and hold fast to us as their wives. And I thank You for enabling us, through Christ, to become one flesh. I thank you that You are aware of all the details of this process and that we can trust in You. We long to please You and live for You. We Love You and Honor You will all our hearts! You are awesome God!

This is my request for the next 40 days. I thank you for unfolding your plans for our lives. I look forward to the testimonies! In Jesus, I pray, amen!

Liquid Fast - Week 2, Day 6

Put God First

Hi everyone! Pastor Randy here!

I remember sitting in a small group gathering and being struck when one of the group members was describing the transformation that had been taking place in his life. As he was describing some of the ways his life had changed he made a profound statement. " When I began to put God first everything began to change. As I listened I thought , that's it.... something so simple yet so profound.

Truth is that as you sit here and read this devotional 99% reading this would say they want to experience more of God. I would join you and saying an emphatic "YES!!!" I want more of God in my life. Profound? Yes! -- But simple?----Really?

I love it when profound things are simplified for me. Jesus was really good at taking something that is elusive or complicated and making it simple enough for someone like me to get my hear around. Good for me, and you too that Jesus gave us that type of moment on the topic of putting God first.

Read & Feed: Read Matthew 6:19-33.

Journal: All the dominoes of life are rearranged when we decide that God get's first place. Putting God first in life is a quality decision that affects every quadrant of our waking hours. I am not talking about a "To Do List" (a new list of do's). The life Christ offers us is relationally driven. Scripture tells us to "delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Putting God first is about making my relationship with him the priority of my life...when I do that, everything changes. Take some time to journal a prayer to your heavenly Father expressing your desire to place Him first in every area of your life.

Prayer: As you journal your prayer today ask God to show you one area where you need to put him first. Be sure to stop while you are praying and listen for God's voice. Remember Prayer is a two way street!

Lord God, I'm a little weary right now. Not sure what to pray. I suppose that's a good place to be. I bemoaned to Lolita that my heart's cry is simply, "Move, Lord, move - please move!" in all our circumstances, upon all our needs and desires, in and through our lives -- MOVE! That's my soul cry. And my other is indeed more intimacy with Him. Just that oneness that surpasses all other affections and attractions. Knowing that, indeed, as I seek Him and His righteousness (right living) He'll continue to be busy about taking care of me and all that concerns me. He even enables me to do the seeking of Him and enables the right living that I know is necessary for a life of peace and one that is not ineffectual.

So, Lord, I do come to You asking You "What area in my life do I need to put You first?" I'm endeavoring to give you my early mornings and that extra sleep and the late nights - but is there something else? Speak this to me, your servant, if You are indeed pleased with me. I believe that You are, as You see me through Your son, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. So, speak to me, tell me -- what area in my life do I need to put You first?"

Liquid Fast - Week 2, Day 5

The Issue of Prayer

G'day! Pastor Aussie Dave here!

Have you ever stopped to consider that how you pray reveals what you believe about God?

When the fast started, I was praying and asking God to develop a culture of worship at Liquid. The help Liquid become a place where people would come into church craving worship. I prayed that people would sing with their hands raised, and sing loudly. That people would be emotional in worship and be changed through it.

Then it hit me on day two of the fast, that I was praying for MY picture of what worship should be - not God's! His rheema to me was that my prayers revealed I had more faith in my desired outcome than I did in God Himself. Oof... that hurt!

I wonder... how often do you focus your prayers on your desired outcome of a situation, instead of focusing them than God?

READ AND FEED: Read Matthew 6: 9-13 and take special note of verses 9-10.

“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.[Let your name be kept holy, or Let your name be treated with reverence ]
10 Your kingdom come,
your will be done,[Let your kingdom come, let your will be done ]
on earth as it is in heaven.

JOURNAL: When Jesus taught his followers to pray, he used a model that kept the focus firmly on God. He encouraged us to start by recognizing God for who he is ("Our Father in Heaven"), praising Him ("hallowed be your name") and then praying for His will instead of our own.

When I realized my prayers were about my desired outcomes instead of who God is, my prayers changed. God created us for worship (Isaiah 43:7) and he wants to be worshiped (John 4:23), so I starting praying: "Lord, I know you want to be worshiped and I know you made us to glorify you... so I trust you will help your church to do what it was created to do."

My emphasis shifted from my preferred outcome of a situation and on to God. It reminded me that I don't need to imagine a certain outcome for my situation in order for my prayers to be effective - I just need to focus on God.

PRAY: Today as you come to a time of prayer, shift your focus from the desired outcome of your prayers, to God Himself.

Lord, God, I was on a mission to send out a manifesto to my friends about seeking you for 40 days to secure our choice in a husband...asking you with specifics as to what kind of man we want and what kind of women we want to be. However, this devotion has me rethinking my approach. It is about Your will and Your plans for our lives - -and it is about stating the truth of your word back to you. Your word does say that we should fast and pray in secret and you will manifest your blessings in the open. So, I do believe you're calling me to encourage my sisters in Christ, who are believing for marriage, to do the same. Please Lord, impress upon my mind the right words to convey this and the scriptural references to cement it. I think You in advance for what only You can do and Your awesome leadership as I step out in faith to follow this through. In Jesus, I pray, amen.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Liquid Fast - Week 2, Day 4

One of the great things I find when fasting is that my focus and attention doesn't go further than getting through the next mealtime without eating. I find I concentrate so hard on praying through my hunger and whatever I'm fasting for, that I'm not too concerned about the next meal. And that's the thing I love most about fasting - that my focus turns completely to either a spiritual need or the physical need of asking God to help me overcome my hunger, instead of my normal prayers that focus mostly on the stuff I want!

Now, be honest - how often do you pray for what you need... as opposed to what you want?

READ AND FEED: Read Matthew 6: 9-13 and take special note of verse 11.

11 Give us this day our daily bread

JOURNAL: Jesus says we should ask God specifically for today's bread. Not tomorrow's bread. Not next week's bread. We're not told to pray for a storage shed filled with enough bread to last a lifetime!

Jesus simply says we should ask God to provide our needs for TODAY - implying that we can go to God again tomorrow to ask for tomorrow's bread.

Yet how much time and effort do we put into planning for the future? How often do we get so caught up in what's coming tomorrow, that we miss what God is doing today? How hard do we work making sure all our needs are wrapped up and pre-planned? The world tells us we need to constantly plan ahead and "think of the future" - but Jesus tells us to focus only on today.

When our livelihood is so readily available to us as it is in this country, we are in danger of missing the blessing of being in constant communication with God to request our daily bread.

Take time today to write down your current prayer requests ... listing them as either a WANT or a NEED. It's humbling to discover how often we go to God with wants, instead of needs.

PRAY: Write out a prayer to God asking Him to only provide your needs - not your wants. Focus only on today's "bread" - the things you need to get through today.

Lord God, I forget so easily how important it is to enjoy today and You in this day and all that is in my life on this day --- I have these 24 hours, maybe about 18 or so are waking hours -- and yet I spend so much of my time concerned about what's to come, what I want to come, what I'm longing to come, or what I'm dreading to come.

Lord, when I reflect on what I remember from scripture, specifically Jesus' life, there's nothing that describes him living for tomorrow. He had a goal in mind - heal the sick, set the captives free, preach about the coming Kingdom, and die -- lay down His life for us -- and through that, bring us new life in and via His resurrected body. However, day in and day out He simply lived for that day and the tasks in it, the people He would encounter during it. He in fact had a parable that admonished someone who was trying to store up stuff for the future. Don't do it.

I've been sensing that I need to stop worrying about this job and what comes after this job or if I should leave this job. When it's time to leave, the Lord will open a door. He'll enable me to walk through it. And there will be no regret, no remorse. I can't seem to find a way to leave now without having those feelings. I'm in a blessed situation, so I need to give my all, through His power. And I need Him to work the ALL through me, because my motivation is bleak, my heart longs for full-time with Jonathan, being a wife who cares for her husband, family and home. However, shat I can do is enjoy today and believe that He has heard my heart cry and is able to set up the situation where I can be a full-time stay at home mom AND wife. That is my supreme desire and He knows it well. It's a need, not a want. It's almost like I'm not gonna ever breathe right and true and simply be right until that happens. My full-on exhale time arrives when I'm in that place. However, till then, I will bask in and breathe in all that I have IN Christ, TODAY, which is far too much to ever list or convey in words. I will enjoy Jonathan, my family, friends, each beautiful season, and just take it one step at a time.

Lord, You've been to me as You were to the blind beggers, to blind Bartemeus -- you've asked what You can do for me and I've told You: A Godly, Christ-centered, caring, affectionate, responsible, accountable husband and father to Jonathan - who I am suited to - who is suited to me -- a home for us that I can care for and love our family in -- the fulfillment of your rhema word of another son in my 48th year -- Jakin Sanctuary ministry and foundation -- established and dispensing blessings -- health and wholeness to see my children walking out their purposes and my children's children breathing in this world -- travel to the many destinations I long to see --- salvation for those dear to me who do not know Christ -- a return to Christ to those who have fallen away -- a healthy marriage between my parents and long life to see my children at least graduate from High School. Those are my personal desires. I'll believe for them to come to pass. I'll keep believing, keep fasting, keep sowing seed. You are faithful and I look forward to rejoicing in the display of Your glory as these things come to pass.

For today -- I simply rejoice!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Liquid Fast - Week 2, Day 3

Today is our second Wednesday fasting together to prepare for Easter!

I hope you're hungry for God's Presence because you'll need to draw on Jesus' power to make it through today.

Over 1,000 people are doing a Liquid Fast from sun up to sundown today!
Together we will:

- Avoid solid food
- Drink only water or natural juices (fruit or vegetable)
- No coffee, soda, or alcohol
- Come together at 7:30pm tonight for Prayer & Worship!

// READ & FEED: This morning, read Acts 10:9-48. During a fast, it's not unusual for the Holy Spirit to surface a deeper heart issue than the situation you're fasting about. This is what happens to the apostle Peter in the book of Acts.

// JOURNAL: Peter is up on a rooftop praying & fasting. It's lunchtime and he's hungry... and he literally starts dreaming about food! (You may feel the same way around noon ;-)

At that time, Jews didn't eat "unclean" foods or associate with "unclean" Gentiles. But by the time his lunchtime prayer & fast is over, he realizes God was actually talking to him about the racism in his heart.

Peter had this eye-opening revelation: "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right" (Acts 10:34).

God spoke to Peter through his midday "food dream" telling him not to look down at Gentiles as inferior people... but as brothers in Christ! Imagine that: Peter was a legalistic, judgmental bigot... until he fasted & prayed. And the Holy Spirit changed his heart.

Like Peter, you may be fasting & praying for one thing... but God may reveal a deeper issue at the heart level. In your journal, write about any heart issues you sense God is surfacing in you (ie: fear of man, jealousy, lust, discontent, unforgiveness, pride, etc)
Fear of man, jealousy and envy, covet-nous, procrastination, insecurity, self-focus, selfishness and the mother of them all - PRIDE. Lord save me from myself -- give me deep revelation about the root of all these issues - enable me to lay them bare before You so that you can transform me from the inside out - scrapping out these things and replacing them with what is lovely and of good-report. Enable be to walk by the spirit so that I do NOT fulfill the lust of the flesh. Enable me to be Holy as You are Holy. I rejoice in You for even my weaknesses and my infirmities, because your strength is made perfect in my weakness and when I am weak, I am strong - in YOU! Praise YOU Lord God in the highest!

What is God's Spirit saying to you? Is this fast about your situation-- or your spirit?
Remember: God's not interested in your diet-- but the heart behind it!

// PRAY: Write out a prayer this morning asking God to help you hear what He's saying to you.
Ask Jesus to give you "ears to hear" what He is revealing in your life. Invite him to speak about the deeper things of your spirit. Give Him full freedom to "speak into" your fast today... and respond to what He tells you!

Whenever you experience headaches or hunger pains today, let it remind you to pray for fresh revelation from the Holy Spirit!

Revelation, revelation, revelation! Lord give me ears so I can hear. Open my heart so I can comprehend what You need to tell me today. Lord I live for you and desire to please You. Help me in this. In Jesus' name, I pray, amen.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Liquid Fast - Week 2, Day 2

Venting with God

Good morning, it's Pastor Chris from the Liquid Nutley campus.

I've been around long enough to know that a relationship with Jesus Christ doesn't guarantee a happier life. Getting up early to read the Bible and pray (or fast) doesn't mean that you're immune to getting a flat tire that afternoon, or that you're less likely to receive bad news from the doctor.

I've heard some amazing stories the past couple of days. Family members have come to faith. The unemployed have been offered jobs. The sick have been healed. All of these things have been happening during this REVIVE season. Praise God.

But my prayers have been met with different results. I had been fasting for my friend's declining health. Unfortunately, he passed away a few days ago.

// READ & FEED: Spend a couple minutes reading through Psalm 88. It's dark. It's bleak. But it's real. Especially verses 13-14.

13 But I, O Lord, cry to you;
in the morning my prayer comes before you.
14 O Lord, why do you cast my soul away?
Why do you hide your face from me?

// REFLECTION: Sure, it's a little depressing, but this is one of my favorite psalms. I'm drawn to it because I totally understand what the psalmist is going through.

Overwhelmed with troubles? Yep!
You have put me in the lowest pit? Sounds familiar!
My eyes are dim with grief? That's me!

It's enough to make you wonder if all the fasting, praying, singing, getting up early on Sunday mornings is all worth it. (Seriously, how in the world did this psalm ever make it into the Bible?)

And then I realize the importance of the first two verses. They serve as a reminder that God has been faithful in my life in so many different ways. So in essence, this psalm is saying, "Jesus, you're my Savior... so guess what, I'm not going anywhere else, I'm turning to you! Nothing else is getting my attention. All my good... and bad... is yours." (It almost sounds like my wedding vows - for richer or poorer; in sickness and in health.)

Nevertheless, instead of trusting my sorrows and cares and the deepest vulnerability of my heart to just anyone or anything... Psalm 88 directs us to turn to God. And that's just what I hope we do. Because there's no one else who can take better care of our hearts.

// PRAY: Whatever it is that you're praying for or fasting for... start your prayers by reciting verses 1 and 2 from Psalm 88. And after that, feel free to be as honest as you want with God. Trust me, God can handle it.

1O Lord, God of my salvation;
I cry out day and night before you.
2 Let my prayer come before you;
incline your ear to my cry
Touch my life with Your supernatural power and favor
Cover me and Jonathan with Your care
Give us perfect and strong health and long years
Work out your perfect plan for our lives
Complete our family, Lord God - lead us to
a man after your own heart - caring, loving,
giving, responsible, strong
Make me worthy of his love, his care
Craft me as You did Esther - beautify me
Keep me and Jonathan in Your care
Lift me up to Your standard of righteousness
Through the shed blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Keep me from falling
Keep me standing on your word
Increase my faith, increase my trust, hold up my hope
Hear my cry, Hear my call to You, Hear my requests
Thank You for answers, thank You for your goodness in my life
I praise You all day long!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Liquid Fast - Week 2, Day 1

Fasting Makes Me Cranky

Good morning, it's Pastor Chris from the Liquid Nutley campus.

Most days, I enjoy reading through a Psalm because it helps me to pray. Because as a pastor, I get asked to pray on a lot of occasions... at church, at meals, at weddings, at special events... and quite frankly, it can get quite exhausting trying to find new ways to pray the same thing - "Dear God... help!"

So I read through the Psalms because it can be a very useful collection of prayers that expands my own prayer vocabulary. Heck, if it was good enough for Jesus to use, then it's good enough for me. In fact, it's pretty cool to think that I'm uttering the exact same prayers that Jesus prayed.

// READ & FEED: Spend a couple minutes reading through Psalm 42. I'm fairly certain that you'll recognize the feelings that the author expresses so clearly: My tears have been my food day and night. Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Why have you forgotten me?

// REFLECTION: A lot of Christians walk around wearing a smile on their face that says, "Hey Jesus, life is awesome; I'm kicking butt!" Good for them.

Unfortunately, the lines on my face read, "Hey Jesus, life just gave me a wedgie! What gives?!?!"

So, a prayer like Psalm 42 (with all the "woe is me" stuff) really resonates with me. And that seems to be okay with God. Given the fact that the Psalms are filled with a lot of brutally honest prayers from some pretty famous Christians in the Old Testament... it almost seems like God invites our brutal honesty. "Bring it on, I can handle it."

And that's a relief, because when I fast, I get cranky. No food = jerkface. There's no spiritual make-up to apply that can beautify my heart or personality. Besides, God sees all the scars and wrinkles anyway. So in one sense, fasting relieves me of the need to pretend to be something I'm not. And instead, I can spend all my energy engaging completely, wrestling wholeheartedly, and crying out tirelessly to a Savior who invites me to come and be completely transparent with Him.

// PRAY: One of my favorite authors suggested that our prayers should start with a very simple request: "May it be the real I who speaks. May it be the real You that I speak to."

So today, pray through Psalm 42. Read verse 1, then spend a moment to personalize that line. Then read verse 2, and do the same...

In doing so, you may find the Psalms to be one of your favorite partners in your spiritual growth.

Liquid Fast - Week 1, Day 7

Sacrificing or Obeying?

Good Morning, it's Pastor Mike here! Sorry I forgot to mention that in yesterday's devotional.

On Saturday we spent time focusing on what it means to wait patiently on the Lord. His promise to us is that when we do He will "turn to us and hear our cry." He also promises to put a new song into our hearts as we learn to sit at His feet patiently.

Admittedly, there are many days I am actually hesitant to hear from God. To be honest, sometimes I am afraid that God might want me to do something that I don't want to do.

I'm afraid that God might ask me to restore a relationship that has grown distant, address an area of my life that actually falls outside God's design for honesty or integrity or even giving away something that is precious to me... my time, my attention or my money...

// READ & FEED: Today read Psalm 40 again and try to focus specifically on verse 6.

"In sacrifice and offering you have not delighted, but you have given me an open ear. Burnt offering and sin offering you have not required."

// JOURNAL: Part of fasting is sacrificing, even denying ourselves a physical desire like food, in order for God to fill us with a deeper spiritual desire for Him. What I love (and kinda dislike:) are the words the Psalmist uses in verse 6 to clarify the difference between sacrificing and obeying.

David makes it abundantly clear that what God clearly values is not our sacrificing, but rather our OBEDIENCE. OUCH. Man, I wish that God would value sacrificing my caffeine for a bunch of smoothies... why can't that just be good enough? :)

The bottom line is that God really wants our hearts, and the reality is that our sacrifice of the physical helps to soften our hearts to consider the spiritual discipline that obedience requires.

Take some time today to write down some of the ways that you sense God is asking you to be obedient to Him as part of this fast. Push through the pangs of fear and anxiety you feel about what it might mean to be able to do that. Challenge yourself to consider more than just sacrificing for Him, but actually what it means to OBEY Him.

- To be open to go wherever he desires for me and Jonathan to go - even if that means away from my parents (NO!) or linking up with someone in a home-dwelling situation (Joanne, Lolita, someone else)
- Inviting Brandon to church - and his fiancee, even though I don't agree with how he's conducting this relationship.
- Visiting Maria and bringing her to church
- Inviting VerRonda and ViAnna to church
- Inviting Bill Scott to church
- Inviting Kay to church
- Volunteering in children's church

// Pray: I want you to spend some time talking with God about some of the ways He might be asking you to OBEY Him. Make sure to wait patiently and quietly as you listen to what He might be saying to you.

I also want you to pray about who you are going to share this with :)... that's right... you can't do this alone and you need to be praying about that person/people that will help support you as you take this next step of obedience, a spouse, friend, life group or service team member who will encourage you along in this journey.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Liquid Fast - Week 1, Day 6

// READ & FEED: Today read Psalm 40 and pay attention to the first 3 verses.

1 I waited patiently for the LORD;
he turned to me and heard my cry.
2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand.
3 He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear the LORD
and put their trust in him.

// JOURNAL: A HUGE part of fasting is waiting patiently for the Lord... waiting to hear from Him and asking Him to put something NEW in our hearts... a new approach, a new response, a new hope... a new SONG...

Like me, you may have noticed, since we have been FASTING as we humble ourselves before God, that our willingness to be patient and listen to Him has increased dramatically. It brings a smile to face think of the simplicity of the words spoken by David in Psalm 40...

I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God...

Take a few moments to write about the areas that you are trying to wait patiently on the Lord. Ask God to help you in this. Share with Him why this is hard for you and admit to Him you need His help.

Lord, I'm eager to know for sure that November is the time to leave or if it should be earlier, or later - or never. I'm still a bit confused - or afraid. I thank you for your patience with me and I have immense faith that an assured response is on its way.

The desire for marriage to a man I am suited for and who is suited to me - similar to VaLisa and her husband - is still strong -- yet I'm equally content being a single mom -- just me and Jonathan. I'm grateful for this alone time with Jonathan - unencumbered by the responsibility of being a wife, as well. However, my heart longs to eventually have a complete family - and another child. I rest in You, believing this desire is part of your perfect plan for my life and that marriage will occur in your good timing. I am grateful for now. Praise You Lord God for NOW!

I see glimpses of Your wonder working power in my parent's marriage. Oh, Lord, if I can also see evidence of You moving the hearts of Brandon, Kay and Bill to you -- I believe You are doing that work. You are ever changing them, transforming them, making them hungry and thirsty for you -- in a way that's unquenchable. Lord, for eternity's sake in their lives: MOVE!! In Jesus' name, I pray, amen!

Oh -- in terms of leaving IBM, I'm seeking also confirmation about teaching. I have a desire to be a person of color that is teaching students at Wilberforce, and being a force that can be used to draw more children of color there -- I also have my ministry and family. So many avenues. Only Your perfect plan shall I follow. In your perfect name, I lift up all these things - amen!!

// PRAY: I want to encourage you today to take some time and ask God to put a NEW SONG in your heart... a song of forgiveness, of patience, of trust, of hope... a song of praise to our God as we wait patiently upon Him. Enjoy just resting in His presence and allowing your heavenly Father to give you a new song to sing.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Family & Friends

In light of one of the issues I'm fasting about, this devotion today from Inspiration Ministries, really speaks to that need:

“One of the synagogue officials named Jairus came up, and on seeing Him, fell at His feet and implored Him earnestly, saying, ‘My little daughter is at the point of death; please come and lay Your hands on her, so that she will get well and live.’ And He went off with him; and a large crowd was following Him and pressing in on Him.” – Mark 5:22-24 NASB
A church leader struggles with emotion, broken because his son is ignoring the truths he has been taught. He shares how painful it is to recall bygone years of childhood, when their relationship seemed intimate and unshakeable. Now his son has lost his job and seems far from God.

A Christian businessman shares his heart, thinking about a son who has lived with his girlfriend for years. He seemingly has rejected the faith, and even traveled to India because of fascination with Hinduism.

A mother weeps, feeling rejected by her adult daughter, who “believes” but still seems poisoned by bitterness. The relationship seems irreparably shattered.

Churches and families are filled with stories like these—stories of parents and children, friends and acquaintances, pastors and elders; stories of children who seemingly know the Truth, yet who, as “adults,” have gone their own way; grieving parents who wonder if there is any hope; men and women who wonder if their friends will ever return to the faith.

These are times to remember God’s promises and confess His Word. Remember that if parents “train up a child in the way he should go…when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). Remember Jesus’ command that we always should “pray and not give up” (Luke 18:1 NIV). Remember that “with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).

Do you know someone who has strayed? Who knows the Truth, but has drifted away? Don’t give up. Pray. Believe. Trust God.

Father, I commit these people into Your hands: _Brandon, Kay and Bill______. Thank You for doing a work in their lives. I have faith and trust in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Liquid Fast - Week 1, Day 5

"Thank God I'm FASTING!" Those are the exact words someone said to me when I asked him how the fast has been going. He continued: "I feel like Wednesday's fast along with these daily devotionals are giving me new perspective on some huge problem spots in my life right now! I feel like I'm getting to know God better! Thank God I'm fasting!"

What a great new spin on TGIF! Cuz let's just be honest - many times when we don't see our problems immediately solved and forever fixed, we feel like God has either forgotten us or that he's ignoring us. It's hard to look at things or interpret life in any other way. Today's passage, however, provides us with a fresh perspective and challenges us to see things in a new way...God's way.

// READ & FEED: Today read Psalm 23 and pay special attention to the last 3 verses.

4 Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,[(the darkest valley]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

// JOURNAL: Green pastures and quiet waters are great... but more often than not, life can be more like a "walk through the valley of the shadow of death." (Psalm 23:4) Wouldn't you agree? In fact, what are some of the "valley" moments in your life and the lives of those closest to you? My work and the decision to leave -- my parent's marriage -- close friend and family members who are not in abiding relationships with Christ -- negotiating single motherhood -- the desire for my family to be complete and the hope of satisfaction in the lives of other sister's in Christ desiring the same - and just all the lonely, single women in the world - but foremost that we ALL truly understand how perfect and great is your love for us - that we desire that above all things -- the desire for Jonathan to grow up in the admonition and protection of the Lord in an evil world where innocent, young, Black men, like he will be one day, have to fight for their very survival, each and every day - hoping that he always has sense of the Lord's perfect power and protection over his life and never doubts how much our Father LOVES him and wants the very best for him. And are these areas you are fasting about during this Spring? In general - Yes.

Journal your thoughts about these 3 elements from today's passage:

* Why/how is it that the author (King David, once a shepherd boy) claims he "will fear no evil"? What are his reasons for such boldness and courage and how can they become YOUR reasons as well? David spoke of how the Lord delivered him from menances to the sheep and himself (wild animals) - how he always felt protected and delivered - that his courage was in the God almighty who had always taken care of him -- this he could pronounce from experience before facing the giant Goliath. He went toward him, running, with only a slingshot and a small stone, knowing that the victory was not in his hands, but in the great and powerful God who is always victorious!

* What is this passage saying about valleys, fears, and our enemies? Does God simply just snap his fingers and magically remove these elements from our lives? If not, what does God do instead? He gives us courage to face our enemies -- He encourages us to keep our eyes stayed on Him -- He reminds us that even though we will see evil, He has overcome the world -- He tells us that He will never leave us or forsake us -- He is with us always! Nothing can separate us from Him. He is our strength, our fortress, our shield, our mighty tower.

* Extra Credit: Grammar Lesson 101 - A subtle but profound shift takes place in the last 3 verses of Psalm 23. The author switches personal pronouns from the 3rd person ("HE" used in the first 3 verses) to the 2nd person ("YOU" used in the last 3 verses). Why do you suppose that's the case? What significance do you think this makes? What does this say about the author's relationship to God... especially during the "valley" moments of life? And what does this mean to YOU? LOOK TO GOD, not yourself, to anything, to any other person -- KEEP YOUR MIND and YOUR EYES STAYED on THEE!!! Make the Lord God Almighty my central focus at all times. Don't be frustrated or dismayed. Remember His promises. Declare the truth of His word. BE an example of faithfulness in God. Don't gripe, grumble, or complain. Praise Him in all things. Let His perfect power come through each and every situation. He is able. He is able!

// PRAY: What are you fasting for and praying about this Spring? Take a few moments right now to ask God to help you see, not just your troubling situation in a new way...but to see HIM in a new way. Take time to acknowledge God's presence and power right now. Resist the urge to approach him clinically or religiously. Instead run to him as a child would to his/her loving daddy... as a sheep to the caring and protective shepherd!

Take care of me Lord God. Take care of me and Jonathan. Take care of us with the perfect care only you can provide. Meet all of our needs according to your riches in Glory. Hold us tenderly, gently, with great love and affection. Call us your beloved -- speak it to our spirits all day long. Continue to make us the apple of your eye.

Gazing lovingly at me. Make me feel your love - always. I need it more than life itself. I need you so very, very, very, very much Lord. Meet me where I'm at and bring me ever more into where you are...

Thursday, March 22, 2012


A great one from Craig Thompson (

Click to read: Mark 10:51

Have you ever told God what you really want? Picture this: there's a blind man sitting by the side of the road begging for money. He has no hope of holding a full time job in first century Israel. He hears that Jesus is coming by, and knowing that this may be his only chance at receiving a miracle from this wonder worker, he cries out. Now picture this: Jesus is standing there after having called to bring the man to Him. He sees that Bartimaeus is blind. He knows the dire straits the man is in. Yet what does Jesus say? Does He say, "Hey, Bart. Let me heal you!" No. He asks Bart a simple question: what do you want me to do for you?

Sometimes we forget the really simple things. One of these is simply that God wants you to tell Him what it is that you really want. We get so confused in our desires sometimes. If we had been in Bart's place, would we have gone wild and said, "Who wants to be a millionaire? Me!" But Bart didn't lose sight of his basic need, the need that prompted him to cry out to Jesus in the first place. It was really simple. He wanted to see.

Be that simple with God. Yes, seek Him deeply for spiritual blessings, for the gifts of the Spirit, for wisdom and understanding. But tell Him when your tummy hurts, too. Tell Him what the need is, and ask Him to help. He could be waiting on you.

Be blessed with decisiveness.

Craig Thompson

So, what do I want. How simple can I make it?

A more consecrated walk with the Lord, where the serenity and peace of Christ pours out of me, and not by virtue of hardship, but due to simply spending time with Him - pure, focused time with our Lord...

A Christ-centered marriage with a Christ-centered, authentic, responsible, and accountable man, hopefully before the end of 2013...

To be a woman whose primary responsibilities are in the home - children, husband, parents, our dwelling place, and ministry out of the home (Writing & Jakin Sanctuary)...

My children living out God's perfect plan for their lives, being examples of Godliness to their generation, purposeful, focused, walking in the fruit of the Spirit, stalwart, healthy and strong - a legacy of Godliness coming after them in their offspring, all the way until Christ returns...

Health and fullness of life to see my children grow and live out the call on their lives, and my grand-children, and to visit all the places in the world I long to see and to serve all who the Lord calls me to serve...

Salvation for all man-kind, but especially for those the Lord has placed in my life who have yet to receive Christ as Lord and Savior...

Liquid Fast - Week 1, Day 4

Yesterday we completed our first day of 3 sun-up to sundown fasts! Awesome. We ended the evening with a great worship service. with time of fellowship, sharing and prayer. Thank you, Jesus.

// READ & FEED: Today read Psalm 23 and pay special attention to the first 3 verses.

1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he restores my soul.

// JOURNAL: Long before David ever ruled as a mighty king, he spent his youth tending sheep. So he, more than most, knew what it meant to take care of sheep. David had firsthand experience with the blood, sweat, and tears that went into taking care of a flock. And so with that in mind, what do you think it would've taken for David to declare: "The LORD is my shepherd" (Psalm 23:1)? His frame of reference made it easy for Him to understand the sufficiency and care that our Father extends to us, His sheep.

In what way is the Lord YOUR shepherd today? He guides me, hems me in, protects me, comforts me when I'm hurt, soothes me when I'm upset, frustrated or confused. He runs after me when I'm lost or afraid. He carries me when I am weary.

If you have the Lord as your shepherd...can you also say because of that, "I shall not be in want" (Psalm 23:1)? Why or why not? Yes, I'm learning to say that each and every day - more and more due to the call on my life to give over all and to depend on Him for all.

And did you know?
Although any shepherd can lead sheep to green pastures and quiet waters...sheep will not "lie down" (Psalm 23:2), they will never totally be at rest ("restores my soul" - Psalm 23:3) unless they feel free from the following fears:
- Other animals that may attack. (External Fears)
- Tension, rivalry, competition amongst themselves. (Relational Fears)
- The torment of parasites and insects within. (Internal Fears)

So which of the 3 fears described above is keeping you from lying down and having your soul restored by the Shepherd? All three - to be honest...

// PRAY: "Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture." (Psalm 100:3) Take 15 minutes today to "lie down" (Psalm 23:2) before the Lord and sincerely thank him for all the ways he is providing and shepherding you.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Liquid Fast - Week 1, Day 3

Today (Wednesday) is an exciting day for our church family as over 1,000 people
participate in a Liquid Fast together from sun up to sundown! What's a Liquid Fast? Together we will:

- Avoid solid food
- Drink only water or natural juices (fruit or vegetable)
- No coffee, soda, or alcohol
- Replace your meals with prayer & worship!

The point of the fast is to draw closer to God & identify with Jesus. We are intentionally saying "no" to our flesh, so we can say "yes!" to more of the Spirit!

Remember: Jesus began his ministry by fasting for 40 days & nights in the wilderness.

- Today, we'll replace breakfast, lunch, and dinner with our liquid-only fast.

- Tonight, we'll come together at each Liquid campus for Prayer & Worship at 7:30pm!

If you've never fasted before, this is a great introduction to fasting. If you've done a Daniel fast, a "fluids-only" fast is a great new experience!

// READ & FEED: To get through today, you'll need to drink plenty of water & ask God to give you extra strength. A fast is a "declaration of dependency" on God-- fortunately, your Heavenly Father has plenty of food to go around!

This morning, read John 4:27-38 in which Jesus tells his disciples about the "secret food" that keeps him going. Notice how the disciples focused on the stomach; while Jesus focused on the soul!

34My food,” said Jesus, is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. 35 Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. 36 Even now the one who reaps draws a wage and harvests a crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. 37 Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true. 38 I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.”

// JOURNAL: Jesus said he had "food to eat that you know nothing about" (v 32).
According to verse 34, what exactly is Jesus' food?

It's easy to "super spiritualize" a fast and think, "Well, Jesus could do this because he was God-- but not me! I'll never make it through this day without coffee!"

What does it scare you most to give up today? Caffeine? Carbs? Candy?
My breakfast coffee with cream and sugar and my cheerios.

Are you worried about being cranky? Critical?
No - I'm just naturally that way -- probably need to be fasting JUST about those two issues:-).

Fasting reveals what controls us. But today, you're taking a big step toward freedom & aligning yourself with the will of God. There's something about empty vessels that the Father can't resist filling up!

// PRAY: Write out a prayer to God this morning confessing your weakness and all the things you typically depend on to get through the day. Tell Him that today you want some of the "secret food" Jesus talked about. Ask the Father to show you how to "do his will" and help "finish his work."

Commit the situation you're fasting about to the Father. Tell Jesus you trust Him and why this situation is important to you or your family.

Pray several times throughout the day! Whenever you experience headaches or hunger pains, let it serve as a reminder to pray & ask God for fresh strength for your soul. Let your weakness draw you to the Father and deeper dependency on Jesus.

My Prayer: Lord God, it's been awhile since I last fasted. You've blessed me with a beautiful little boy and I've been breastfeeding, so have not been able to do my annual fast. I miss it. However, even in these first few hours of a sun-up to sun-down fast, I find myself a bit irritable and impatient, mad at myself that I ate so late last night and almost forgot this morning by drinking a little green tea. I was beating myself and being impatient with Jonathan. I will not let the enemy sour this great day of consecrating myself to You. May You, Lord God, be my primary focus today. Let me take the words of Tim Cooper's devotion and cast all my care upon you, for you care for me. I need not be anxious, irritable, impatient or frustrated. I praise You for this day and for the gift of fasting. I thank you for the 1000+ saints who are participating corporately in today's fast as well as on 3/28 and 4/4. I thank You that this time we are giving you is a sweet aroma before You and that You are ready to dispense answers, deliverance, victory into the lives of each of us. Thank you for the requests I've put before You. I lay them at Your feet, in complete faith that You are able to work things out according to Your perfect plan for each person I've lifted up -- each concern. And Lord, indeed, I desire to be like Jesus -- to do YOUR will, to carry out the plans and purposes that You have for my life. I am your vessel. I offer myself as a living sacrifice, through which You can operate and move in the part of this world that You have set me. I thank You that all the words I've been receiving lately, through devotions and scriptures, point to Your call on my life to devote myself to a time of seeking You and developing the ministry of speaking to the skeptics and those who are backslidden -- to bring in a harvest of these individuals to Your throne of grace so that they can boldly come to You to receive mercy and grace -- and above all SALVATION in their time of need. Thank YOU for using my writing to accomplish this work. Thank you for opening the time for when this seeking time should commence. Thank you for taking care of me and Jonathan during this time. And thank you for the many deliverances and victories that will present themselves in the lives of those around me as I am obedient to Your call and continue to be used to intercede for others. In Your mighty and precious name, be with us today, Lord God and throughout this time of consecration - AMEN!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Liquid Fast - Week 1, Day 2

So, Liquid, my church ( started a 21-Day consecration period on 3/19, to end on Easter day, 4/8/2012. In the middle of this time, there will be 3 consecutive Wednesday liquid fasts, i.e., on liquid, water or fresh juices, to be consumed for a 24 hour period on 3/21, 3/28 and 4/4. Pretty powerful.

We're to seek God during this time, read the daily devotionals and scripture passages, and decide on 2 -3 requests of the Lord - similar to Esther's request of the King to deliver the Jews from Haman's evil edict.

So, So, one of the things I listed was discernment related to leaving IBM. On Sunday night I asked the Lord to lead me to a specific word. I opened the Bible to Luke 5 and this scripture at verse 4 was like a rhema word to me: “Put out into the deep
and let down your nets for a catch.” I meditated on that a bit before I
went to sleep, feeling it was related to the call in my heart to just leave this job and look to Him to provide.

When the Lord wants to make a point with me, He typically speaks to me in scripture and then immediately follows up with confirmation in one of the daily devotionals I get in my email. He did that with a word he spoke to me in March 2010. He used his words of promise to Abram about having a son at this time next year to speak to me that the same would happen to me.
That same day in one of my devotional he used the same set of scripture to discuss how He is able to do the impossible. I had goosebumps and printed out the devotioanl and stapled it on the journal entry for that day (where I had indicated the Genesis scripture I'd read earlier that day). I of course thought it meant I was meeting my husband that year, gonna get married and soon be pregnant after. Well, the son came, but totally not according to MY plan -- however, He worked all things for the good and the promise was fulfilled in Jonathan.

So, in similar manner, yesterday, I opened my Meditations devotion. He's been doing a series out of Psalm 1 for the past week or so, however, yesterday, out of no where, guess which scripture he decided to use? Luke
5:1 - 11, focusing on “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” - here's the full devotional:

Luke 5:1-11
On one occasion, while the crowd was pressing in on him to hear the word of God, he was standing by the lake of Gennesaret, 2 and he saw two boats by the lake, but the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. 3 Getting into one of the boats, which was Simon's, he asked him to put out a little from the land. And he sat down and taught the people from the boat. 4 And when he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” 5 And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.” 6 And when they had done this, they enclosed a large number of fish, and their nets were breaking. 7 They signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink. 8 But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.” 9 For he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish that they had taken, 10 and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.”[a] 11 And when they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed him.

The disciples had been following Jesus for some time. However, as we can see here, they had not completely given up their day jobs (or night jobs as it may be). Why were they out fishing the night before? Was it to simply have a time of fellowship? Was it to relax after a hard day at the evangelistic office? No, likely they were out trying to catch fish to make a living. Working for our food is a value which is (and should be) instilled in us from childhood. Scripture says that if a man does not work neither should he eat.

But what if Jesus wants you to follow after Him? What do you do then?
Well, the disciples tried to do both for a while. They were trying out tentmaking, as it is called. And there's nothing wrong with tentmaking, as Paul the Apostle would confirm. But what if Jesus Himself wants more out of you than your attentions can afford with a full or part time job? I suppose you find yourself in this situation: finding out that God really can provide.

You see, the same God who wants you to trust Him in obedience is the God who also has all power, all resources and all sufficiency for YOU. In Jesus' Name, I ask God to fill your net, rip your net, fill your boat and nearly sink your boat with a blessing so you may see once and for all very clearly that God Himself can and will take care of you. This was all took for the disciples. After this lesson, they forsook all and followed after Him.

Be blessed with a decisive victory.

Craig Thompson

Again - goosebumps. I had to sit for awhile to gather myself cause it really scared me how specific this message was. Today, Craig went back to Psalm 1, so it is just sooo uncanny how that message came on the day that it did.

So, that's my prayer: A decisive victory related to leaving the job and the right time to do so. I've looked into alternative health care resources, such as Samartian's ministry, which I believe will suffice for the short term. What continues to keep me tied up in fear is my concern about what people will think - my parents, Kay, and others. I don't want Kay, in particular, to think I'm trying to be a lazy, freeloader -- his monthly giving shouldn't be altered at all, really - Jonathan's needs are not too much right now. And if I'm home, that puts off daycare for a bit more. I'd still be able to pay rent (and my mother already, without knowing that I had plans to go back to school, told me I can reduce what I've been giving them, which includes paying her to watch Jonathan). I feel that maybe the Lord has me doing something with my writing as a ministry. How that would turn into money coming in, I have no idea. However, I'm not gonna really know until I step out in faith and just do what He's been calling me to do now for over a year and a half. I've just gotta do it.

So, this takes us to Day 2. I want to start tracking the daily devotion lesson's here for reference in the future. Here we go:

Scripture reading is Esther 7 & 8
7:3 - Then Queen Esther answered, “If I have found favor with you, O king, and if it pleases your majesty, grant me my life—this is my petition. And spare my people—this is my request.

Esther fasted before she sought the King's favor. This is a model for us as we come before our King with big requests. It's not that fasting changes God's mind-- but it changes our hearts so we can humbly ask for His intervention with a pure heart!

Read Esther 8:17 again and record the outcome of Esther's fast:
In every province and in every city, wherever the edict of the king went, there was joy and gladness among the Jews, with feasting and celebrating. And many people of other nationalities became Jews because fear of the Jews had seized them.

Wherever the "commands of the king" go, they bring joy & gladness! Because of His goodness, our King can turn our fast into a feast!

Journal your thoughts about these 2 big ideas from Esther:

* We need to FAST before we seek the King's FAVOR.

* The King has the power to turn our FASTING into a FEASTING!

I believe strongly that the Lord is already moving, as evidenced in the information above. I have two other requests that are strong in my spirit, and I believe He will move upon those, as well. I look forward to coming to Him on April 4th with these petitions and seeing the result -- experiencing the joy, witnessing His glory, having a new testimony of His faithfulness.

Here are all three petitions that I plan to make:
  1. A decisive victory related to leaving IBM - including the right time to do so, understanding in the hearts of those who will be indirectly (parents, Kay, friends) and directly impacted (ID team, management), and the Lord's favor and direction upon whatever He deems I need to do once I walk away.
  2. Brandon, Kay and Bill repenting and turning to Christ, accepting His free gift of salvation, and walking out a consecrated, abiding walk with the Lord in fellowship with other believers, in accountable relationships with other Godly males, as contributing members of Bible believing churches.
  3. Cancellation of the spirits of unforgiveness, resentment, contempt, bitterness, duplicity, distrust, neglect and anger in my parent's marriage, in Jesus's name, and loosing, in His mighty name, the bonds of love, forgiveness, care, kindness, gentleness, patience, goodness, peace and joy within the remaining years of their marriage - a restoration of what the locusts have attempted to destroy.
*Bonus: Completion of my family, i.e., a Christ-centered, responsible, debt-free, but generous, caring, affectionate and loving husband and father, one more healthy child by the age of 48, and a home for us all.

Tell God about the situation you're fasting for this Spring. Spend 15 minutes praying
& asking what His favor would look like in this crisis? What would please him most?
Honestly describe what outcome would turn your fast into feasting! Thank God for his favor in
Jesus Christ and commit yourself to joyfully receiving His response!