Matthew 7:6 " not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them underfoot..."
I'm learning something about myself and some of the people in my life. I don't cast judgment, but through observation and experience, I'm seeing things that I need to change in me - particularly as they are enacted by others toward me and usually not at all consciously on the part of the person...ok maybe consciously -- since, in many instances, it's a conscious act on my part. The act in question being the situation I quote above -- casting pearls before swine - where pearls are significant, important parts of a person's life that they want to share with me or things important to me that I want to share with others -- and where swine is either me being distant, unavailable, or unresponsive when presented with these pearls or someone doing the same to me when I present my pearls.
It's being on the side of the non-response which shows me just how egregious a behavior that really is. Being confronted with my own behavior, I had to ask the Lord to forgive me for past offenses and to truly work in me so that I regard the pearls presented to me by loved ones with the care and kindness that they truly deserve.
And yet, it's also showing me that if there are repeated instances of this "swine-like" behavior by certain people, it's best to maybe reconsider throwing your pearls in that person's direction in the future. This is what Jesus is warning folks against. For it really doesn't feel good to have those pearls trampled under foot. So, really, why set yourself up for the pain?
Again, most of us who do this thing to others don't do it maliciously. We're too busy...we're a bit "tired" of either hearing or seeing the same ole, same ole again and again from this person, so you just ignore them, rather than go through what you consider the agony of having to deal with that thing that is such a pearl to them but seems pretty benign, petty, self-centered, foolish, or goofy to you. Whatever, the case is - the avoidance is a way to diminish discomfort on our part, but it's at the expense of the other person's heart and vulnerability -- they've opened themselves to you and you've basically stomped on that thing as if it really was of no consequence whatsoever.
I see that now.
So, I'm taking this as a hard lesson to do better in the future. To return the phone call or text message or email. To actually send a nice "how are you note" now and then, without then responding when they inquire about how I am with a novel of my life - or - if I'm trying to keep the convo to the bare minimum, with a few courtesy remarks that are only given so as to stop further emails from the person I'm trying to avoid.
Oh the things our selfish, too busy, too tired, too, too, too - hearts are so willing to do.
Lord help us to be like Jesus, who never turned aside from a need. And help me to not be too quickly offended or hurt when it happens to me - but also to exercise wisdom about just who gets to view my pearls - share those things of beauty in my life - like videos or pics of my little man - or my struggles with my vocation.
It's nice that I have a blog -- for I can share those things with You here -- and also just You everywhere. For You will never leave me or forsake me and my pearls are always precious in your sight...
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