Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Words of wisdom from Arthur Blessitt

This is the man who carried a 45 lb, 12-foot cross across 7 continents, into 53 war zones, for 38, 201 miles and into 315 nations. What was the greatest lesson he learned?

To ask God two questions every day: Where do You want me to go? And who do You want me to reach?


Lord, help me to get there. Maybe that's not my specific call - but I know You desire Your children to reach out to the lost, the hungry, the homeless. Show me how You want me to specifically do that -- how You need me to do that.

I'm quite sick thinking about this woman that Brandon is marrying. It's hard for me to contemplate reaching out to her in any way. Their lives are such a mess. I hate the idea of causing that kind of disruption in my parent's lives when Brandon's choices have given them - especially my mother so much grief -- my desire is to pray and wait and hope that the right decisions are made -- and that above all, Brandon returns to you. If this is the woman for him, may they come together in a more healthy and whole way -- not this way. Not this fractured needy way. Lord -- move their hearts to You. Move their hearts to You.

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