Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Hope

Back in November of 2009, I wrote these words of hope. I believe they still stand today - one actually being fulfilled through Jonathan's miraculous arrival in my life! A few in progress...others still to be accomplished. I rest in an assurance and trust that the Lord did not allow these words to be written without giving me the confidence that He has the power and grace to bring them to past. I shall endeavor to hold fast to my confession of Hope and FAITH. I trust in my Father alone.


A man to love

A child to raise (YAY!! Jonathan -- Thank you, LORD!)

A ministry to run

A book or books to write

A deeper more abiding relationship with Him as all these things come to pass

A deeper faith that they can - that they will come to pass

A fuller assurance that I can depend on Him

A firmer confidence that He will not allow me to fall

A greater understanding of His ways and eternity

A lesser dependence on the here and now

A certified hope that my dreams will not curse or punish me

A trust that He is faithful and knows my hurts, my wants, my needs

A belief that He heard the prayers of those interceding for me

A belief that He has heard my prayers, as well

A lessening of the sadness and despondency

A heightened sense of joy

A greater peace

A God to Glorify and Serve

A better me

A forgiven me when better is not achieved...

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