Thursday, December 29, 2011

How Shall I Make Love to My Husband?

By respecting and honoring him...
By admiring his many God-given talents and simply admiring the man that he is...
By not talking down to him...
By speaking truth to him in the power of love and grace...
By receiving truth from him in the power of love and grace...
By encouraging him...
By comforting him when he desires to be comforted...
By knowing when he needs to be left alone to think or reflect...
By praying over him daily...
By considering his needs...
By anticipating his wants through the leadership of the Holy Spirit...
By laughing with him...and crying with him...
By having fun with him...
By taking care of my physical appearance...
By creating a comfortable living environment where he can rest and relax...
By growing with him as we study the word and fellowship with other believers...
By making sure he gets a good, hearty, hot meal now and then...
By my honesty and trustworthiness...
By my walk with the Lord...
By endeavoring to be humble, thankful and thoughtful...
By listening and hearing...
By supporting and uplifting him on a daily basis...
By the love of Christ that dwells in me...

I may not get it all perfect, all of the time, but I hope that I'm able to reach these goals, most of the time, through the power of the Lord, who enables all that is good in me. I'll always endeavor to walk in the fruit of the Sprit when I'm by your side.

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