Monday, April 1, 2013

5-minute post - REJOICING IN FAITH

I have 5 minutes before I have to wake up Mr. Jonathan (who refused to lay down for a nap and basically did not fall asleep until about 45 minutes ago - I think it was the two cookies that the nice lady at the grocery store gave him:->).

Just wanted to express a few words of faith and trust in our Lord God Almighty and how utterly excited I am about how He is moving in my life and expanding my heart to know Him and all His ways.  How particular He has been with me lately and how tender in my quest to stand in utter belief and trust that He is able to do the impossible.  That He is being unto me like King Hezekiah - reversing the curse, not allowing my trust in Him, my desire to please Him be in vain.  As he HEARD Hezekiah's prayers, He hears my prayers.  As I've done those things He's led me to in this move toward a miracle that will bring Him great glory, He has reinforced my faith.  It's just a joyous time.  No matter the outcome.  My expectancy of who He is and what He can do will never be the same.  It's through the roof and I only can see it going ever higher, higher, higher.

Praise you Lord God in the Highest for You ARE worthy to be Praised and Highly Lifted Up!

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