Thursday, April 25, 2013

PhD Pursuit - on hold or maybe...

...not for me.  Not sure.  Still believing - "One Day...".  However, it did not pan out this go around.  I'm perfectly happy and fine with it.  I'm not clear what the Lord has in store vocation-wise.  I trust that He has a plan and that's all that matters.  He knows me better than I know myself and knows where I need to be, what I need to be doing, how I need to do it, in the time that I should.  I rest in Him alone.  I seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, believing that all other stuff that is needed or required He will make manifest in my life by His power and grace.  The silver and gold is His - and that includes the credit union bank accounts, the 401K, the pension and any other funds that might come my way - funds, provisions, gifts.  He is able to supply all my and Jonathan's needs according to His riches in Glory.  He is able to grant me favor with whomever favor needs to be granted.  He is able to prosper me so that I can be a vessel of blessing to others, and to be ensured that what He flows through me enables His gospel to be furthered throughout the earth - so that the widow, the orphan, the poor, the hungry and the homeless are blessed and cared for - and lifted up!  He is able.  I am His - ALL for HIS use and HIS glory.  Have your way, Lord.  I rely wholly upon YOU.  Care for me as your word promises, for it says, Cast all of your anxieties on the Lord."  Why?  "Because He cares for ME!!"

Praise you JESUS!

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