Thursday, April 25, 2013

PhD Pursuit - on hold or maybe...

...not for me.  Not sure.  Still believing - "One Day...".  However, it did not pan out this go around.  I'm perfectly happy and fine with it.  I'm not clear what the Lord has in store vocation-wise.  I trust that He has a plan and that's all that matters.  He knows me better than I know myself and knows where I need to be, what I need to be doing, how I need to do it, in the time that I should.  I rest in Him alone.  I seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, believing that all other stuff that is needed or required He will make manifest in my life by His power and grace.  The silver and gold is His - and that includes the credit union bank accounts, the 401K, the pension and any other funds that might come my way - funds, provisions, gifts.  He is able to supply all my and Jonathan's needs according to His riches in Glory.  He is able to grant me favor with whomever favor needs to be granted.  He is able to prosper me so that I can be a vessel of blessing to others, and to be ensured that what He flows through me enables His gospel to be furthered throughout the earth - so that the widow, the orphan, the poor, the hungry and the homeless are blessed and cared for - and lifted up!  He is able.  I am His - ALL for HIS use and HIS glory.  Have your way, Lord.  I rely wholly upon YOU.  Care for me as your word promises, for it says, Cast all of your anxieties on the Lord."  Why?  "Because He cares for ME!!"

Praise you JESUS!

Still believing, yet learning to be ever RECEIVING of His GRACE

So, the title of my blog is "...but for His grace".  I've tried to somewhat keep to that theme with my entries, but I have tended to go off track here and there:-).  Nonetheless, over the past few months of me sabbatical time - this glorious post-IBM time of my life - I've been learning ever more about the true riches of his grace and mercy that He pours out in the lives of those who have trusted Him as their Lord and Savior!  The Lord has blessed me in particular through some extraordinary teachings in His word, primarily - the teachings of Jesus Christ our Lord Himself in the Gospel accounts - and also through new covenant teachers Joel Osteen and Joseph Prince.  Between Joel and Joseph, the teachings of Joseph have truly been a blessing!  Mind-blowing, really!  He is a man truly sent by the Lord God Almighty Himself to bring His children into deeper dependence and satiation in Christ and to inspire more of His creation to come into relationship with Jesus and to understand just how marvelous what He accomplished on the cross is for those who BELIEVE!!

The message is simple:  For Those Who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, Who Believe that He indeed was crucified on the cross FOR US and is NOW alive again, EVER LIVING to intercede on our behalves - WE HAVE BEEN UTTERLY and EVERLASTINGLY FORGIVEN and ARE NOW THE RIGHTEOUSNESS of GOD in CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD!  In JESUS WE HAVE UNENDING GRACE, MERCY, AND FORGIVENESS FOR ALL THAT WE HAVE BEEN or DONE, ALL THAT WE ARE OR DO, AND ALL THAT WE WILL BE OR DO.  HIS WORK ON THE CROSS WAS A COMPLETE and FINISHED WORK.  There is nothing left for  us, those who believe, to do.  He has done it all.  ALL WE NEED TO DO IS REST IN HIM and to BASK IN HIM.  TURN to Him for everything.  Rely on HIM completely.  There is nothing in me to enable me to be righteous, to live rightly, to treat people right, to love unconditionally, but He whose eyes are stayed on Christ, can be in PERFECT peace and can be enabled to do whatever is necessary to live a life that glorifies our risen Saviour, our Glorious and Almighty Father in Heaven.


No more striving to act right, be right, know right.  He has granted us all that is necessary to do those things through the living person of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.  REST in JESUS.  Meditate on HIM.  SPEAK the TRUTH of WHO I AM in HIM.  BE HUMBLED by this FINISHED WORK, and SEE HOW He can do so much to HIS GLORY, PRAISE, AND HONOR through this humble resting in the majesty and beauty that is our GOD.  HE IS AWESOME, HE IS GREAT, and OH HOW MUCH HE LOVES US.  SO MUCH THAT HE SENT HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON TO DIE A DEATH that was so atrocious, so painful, so awful, simply so that we could be in the same consecrated, perfect relationship with our Father that He has been able to experience for all eternity, save for those 3 days that He was separated from the Father for our Sake!

What wonder is in His GRACE.  WHAT BEAUTY in the way He regards us, cares for us, protects us.  EVEN in tragedy - HE is our PROTECTOR.  HE keeps us.

As I've been hearing these truths and absorbing them into my heart and mind, I've been hearing the voice of the accuser:  OH, this great and merciful and graceful God that you are so excited about.  Where was he for those believers that flew on the planes on 9/11/2001?  Where was he in that school in Newtown, CT - all those innocent children?  Where is He for the thousands, millions of innocent children who have been sexually abused - even defenseless infants, penetrated by GROWN MEN! What kind of GOD is this who you call merciful, loving, gracious and just?  What KIND of GOD grants you favor when you have the gall to call and innocent child, your very own son, STUPID BOY - with fervor and great belief and anger!  THIS IS the GOD who you say died on a cross for your sins and to grant HIS CHILDREN good things - a life that is abundant?!!


I believe that HIS protection, HIS grace, HIS mercy covers and is in the midst of EVERY Situation listed above - as absolutely horrible as they all might sound.  In sickness and in health, in terror and in trauma, our LOVING FATHER is present.  He is there.  He swoops in with His everlasting arms and He holds us - YES - even the Newtown, CT children.  How?  I believe that He enables them to not experience the fullness of the terror in that moment - somehow, somehow...

I HAVE TO BELIEVE, that the infant is saved from the pain, the trauma of sexual abuse...

SOMEHOW I HAVE TO BELIEVE, that He protected the heart and ears of my son when I spoke so viciously to him...

SOMEHOW I HAVE TO BELIEVE that the sick and the dying and the family and friends who are witnesses to the horror of it all ARE comforted - whether in the midst or after - they are comforted by the loving hand of our mighty creator.

HIS GRACE and CARE DOES NOT END.  IT IS AVAILABLE For EVERYONE, but I believe even moreso, it is available for the unprotected, the defenseless. the innocent.  LORD GOD, I MUST BELIEVE or all else that I believe will simply come to naught!

Lord, as I defend your MIGHTY name, the might and beauty of who YOU ARE, please reveal to me in your word, through dreams, through preaching, whatever way you desire, to show me - to give me even more proof of what I believe.  No one wants to be tested.  I would hate for anything - any pain or trauma to come to Jonathan or me or any family member or friend to prove my point - and yet, my point, my trust in who YOU ARE and the majesty of your love towards us - Lord, I want people to understand that YOU ARE THERE.  Simply saying YOUR ways are HIGHER than our ways -- well, that I don't believe is enough for those who do not believe - who are in the midst of struggle and travail, and can't bring themselves to even believe that you exist let alone that you are with them in their TRIAL.  Your word says, CALL TO ME and I will tell you things that you do not know.  In my heart I"m holding on to a belief that in ALL Things YOU DESERVE the glory and HONOR and praise and that you truly care for ALL of your creation - that YOU DESIRE THE VERY BEST and that YOU PROVED this through the death and Resurrection of your son.  Tragedy rocks this truth, Lord.  It rocks this truth.

I stand in faith that the blessings of Abraham - confirmed through Christ - is with Me.  That right happenings are coming my way - even today.  That wholeness of health in body and mind are for me and Jonathan - that their is supernatural provision and protection that is available to me for I believe that in YOU, the only SOURCE for these things, they are granted through the mighty and precious name of JESUS.  I declare your goodness in all Things.  Whether abased or abounding - I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST JESUS MY LORD!

Thank you Lord. Reveal more of who You ARE to me. HELP me to relate these truths. Help me to be who You need me to be.  May YOU GAIN ALL the GLORY, the HONOR, and the PRAISE!!


Monday, April 1, 2013

5-minute post - REJOICING IN FAITH

I have 5 minutes before I have to wake up Mr. Jonathan (who refused to lay down for a nap and basically did not fall asleep until about 45 minutes ago - I think it was the two cookies that the nice lady at the grocery store gave him:->).

Just wanted to express a few words of faith and trust in our Lord God Almighty and how utterly excited I am about how He is moving in my life and expanding my heart to know Him and all His ways.  How particular He has been with me lately and how tender in my quest to stand in utter belief and trust that He is able to do the impossible.  That He is being unto me like King Hezekiah - reversing the curse, not allowing my trust in Him, my desire to please Him be in vain.  As he HEARD Hezekiah's prayers, He hears my prayers.  As I've done those things He's led me to in this move toward a miracle that will bring Him great glory, He has reinforced my faith.  It's just a joyous time.  No matter the outcome.  My expectancy of who He is and what He can do will never be the same.  It's through the roof and I only can see it going ever higher, higher, higher.

Praise you Lord God in the Highest for You ARE worthy to be Praised and Highly Lifted Up!