Saturday, August 20, 2011

Walking by 7 months maybe??

Well, my little man has been climbing and standing on us and anything else he can climb and stand on since about 11 weeks. In fact, I have a video of him trying to climb over the couch arm at 11 weeks (I need to upload my videos, btw). Anyway, he's now, at almost 6 months, discovered the joy of standing up against things - the back of the couch, his playpen walls, etc.. Here are some pics of him standing next to his chair that he HATES sitting in. However, he has a lot of fun standing next to it to chew on the straps - go figure. I suppose his lil fro makes him look a tad bit top-heavy - LOL! As of 8/15/11, he is 27.5 inches and 17.8 lbs. *Sigh* - my smoogum woogums is getting big...


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