...I was in the throes of labor, at this exact time (12:23 AM). The Lord was gracious. I had suffered two one-week bouts of intense fibroid pain and two episodes of passing a kidney stone during my pregnancy (not to mention 30+ years of horrible menstrual pain), so labor - though not exactly pleasant - was rather manageable. I didn't sleep much at all. And finally got up around 4:30 AM to shower - slowly - and get ready for the day of my precious, sweetum's arrival - whom I was sure would be a boy, based on the Lord's word to me through his given name - Jonathan. Confirmation would come some 13.5 hours later. But in labor, indeed, I was.
Around 7ish, I dialed the midwife on call. She told me to come to the office at 12:30. I had to breathe through one contraction when we spoke, but overall I was pretty calm. I don't think she thought I was anywhere near delivering at that point - or even by the time I would arrive at the office.
Silyn, my cousin and birthing coach, arrived around 11ish. My mother was a nervous wreck. My father very quiet. I laid down on the couch in the baby's room- and waited. Around noon, we finally piled into the car and the drive was actually quite pleasant. I didn't really have any hard contractions. Get to the office, on to the examination table -- and whoosh! My water breaks while Donna, the head mid-wife, exams me and declares that I am a whopping 7 cms! Who would've known. She was shocked, cause I was so calm...could speak with no issues. However, after the water broke, the contractions started coming with a fury. It was a bit difficult to walk but we got back to the car, as Donna directed us to go straight to the hospital. We got to the room around 1:00PM. I was going through transition at about 1:30 ish. On the table around 1:45. 15 minutes and 4 pushes later, I see my lil man and his lil balls passing by me! Jonathan -- my blessed, miracle baby -- the one the Lord spoke to my spirit that I would bare in my 44th year -- that was confirmed through scripture a year before -- whose name - yes, I say it again - was given to me by the Lord Himself -- he had arrived!!
Jonathan -- Jonathan -- Jonathan!
The Love of My life. On this day, 2/24/2011, at exactly 2PM, you came into this world, all 7.5 lbs and 20 inches of you, and made life for me truly worth living...
I LOVE U, Sweetie! I adore you! I praise God for you! I rejoice in Him for the miracle that is you!
Thank you Lord for Jonathan! THANK YOU, THANK YOU...